Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Book Finds! And Serene Photos.

Okay so over the weekend I probably got rid of at least fifty books (probably more) by donating them to the local Deseret Industries thrift store...only to today go there and end up buying some more. But only a few! And one of which I've been wanting a copy of forever! (It's the Shabby Chic book shown on the far right...it's been written in, but that only adds to it's charm...plus I only got it for $1.50...a steal. If I had got it from amazon.com I would have had to pay that plus shipping.)

I'm not as excited about the Martha Stewart book, but for $1.00 and the original price being $17.99 I decided not to pass it up. I know I'll get some Good Things out of (sorry, couldn't resist).

And the Williams-Sonoma Entertaining book had so many good recipes in it that I just really, really wanted it. I want to make the Tomato Tart on page 225 sometime soon. And there are some recipes I'd like to try out for Thanksgiving...but I'm not really sure that will happen.

A few weeks ago I went to the annual Presbyterian church rummage sale, and afterwards decided to go to the Canyon Park somewhat nearby and sat watching and listening to nature. While I may not be as gifted as my numerous photographer friends and family (how is it so many people I know are great photographers?) I thought these pics I took on the spur of the moment aren't half bad. (You can click on them to view them larger.) So I thought I'd get around to uploading them and sharing them. The usually small river is just a small stream at the moment. But I still think it looks very pretty, and very serene.

“There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations.” ~ Washington Irving


Breakin' Wind October 15, 2008 at 12:21 AM  

Thanks for sharing your Blog with me. I consider you a very special friend. It will be nice to be able to peek into your life every once in awhile.

Katrine October 15, 2008 at 6:16 AM  

Man, I left a comment and it didn't save! Anyway, I'm glad your blogging and the pictures are great. I can see the leaves are changing colors. I miss that!

Flores e Flowers

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