Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cake Love - A Man With Passion

Reading on one of my dear childhood friends blog about her attempts to bake a cake from a recipe book by Warren Brown reminded me of when I first saw this man who went from being a lawyer to baking cakes being interviewed on tv. I love reading and hearing about people who are passionately following their dreams. Usually I end up reading about women following their dreams of opening their "business of bliss" who inspire me to think maybe someday I can do that myself. But Warren Brown is one of the men who I have heard about that inspires me as well.

So I found his business's website Cake Love and in the "about Cake Love area" of the website I re-read the story of how he started this biz. If you love cakes, or you enjoy hearing stories about those who have dropped living a life of what success is "supposed" to look like based on what the world tells them is success, you might enjoy reading it as well. And well, Warren Brown is pretty cute as well so you can check that out as well. :) http://www.cakelove.com/about_story.php


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